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Natural wrinkles treatment in 2 weeks

By 15:41:00 , , , , , ,

While human grow skin problems begin to emerge, especially at face where the effects of age and wrinkles appear, and if this do not worry too much for men but for women it DO, so Madam do you suffer from face wrinkles?
Do not worry, if you do not know how to treat this problem, we'll show you some remedies and natural mixtures, which can remove these wrinkles forever, read the article and you will find everything you need comes in the following points:

Egg whites remedy:

It's my favorite remedy if it's come to wrinkles egg white pulls the skin as will do the plastic surgery but without any side effects all you need is to put this mask every day for about 2 weeks and you will get great results.


  • 1 egg (take the white only)
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

How to prepare and method of use:

Just mix together then put the mixture on wrinkles area such as forehead wrinkles or wrinkles around the eye area, the importance of the egg whites in treatment of wrinkles is because it includes many vitamins that will nourish the skin and make it younger .

Castor oil remedy:

you can consider this one as a serum after the egg white mask so its complete the work

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp bio castor oil (I used this one but you can use any bio castor oil but be careful from cheater)

How to prepare and method of use:

Mix the lemon juice with castor oil, and use the mixture on clean face or anywhere else affected, we recommend to use it for 3 weeks at least just a night and wash it at morning (be careful castor oil can darker your skin at sun).

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