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food boost hair growth and solve every hair problem

By 07:06:00 , , ,

These days, lifestyle and following unhealthy diet health and beauty changes dramatically. Hair and skin problems often cause you to feel embarrassed. Many of the remedies may be available whether natural or medical to get rid of such problems, but may not be effective enough in case of unhealthy diet. So keep on a healthy diet and proper nutrition is the basis of getting rid of the hair and skin problems. Beauty starts from the inside! Always make sure to eat healthy foods that help to stimulate hair growth and strengthen the roots.

We offer you through this article best foods that help to stimulate hair growth and lengthened so keep reading:

    1. leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables are the best food for stimulating hair growth. Spinach, lettuce, kale, broccoli, and other foods are rich in nutrients that help hair growth. Eating leafy vegetables on a regular basis to ensure essential vitamins for hair growth and strengthen the roots, it effectively helps to prevent hair loss.

    2. vegetables and fruits in general
The rest of the vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, papayas, bananas, onions, garlic and beans also helps to stimulate hair growth. It helps to strengthen the roots and scalp, which helps to stimulate blood circulation and blood flow properly to the scalp, which helps hair growth. Make sure to eat raw or boiled vegetables and fruits during your diet to control hair problems.

    3. nuts and dried fruits
Nuts and dried fruits greatly help hair growth. Almonds, dates, walnuts and figs are the best. Dates, figs are rich in iron, which helps to stimulate hair growth significantly when regularly consume. The almond is rich in good fat that help strengthen hair.

    4. fish
Fish contain nutrients that help strengthen hair and also stimulate growth. It contain fatty acids of omega-3 which helps to nourish hair well. For people who prefer not to eat fish, they can instead taking supplements of cod liver oil.

    5. milk
Milk is one of the main sources of iron and calcium, making it the perfect food for hair growth. It is reflected the effect of those nutrients not only to strengthen bone health, but also on the hair. It helps to control hair loss and stimulate growth. Eat a cup of cow's milk as an essential part of your daily diet to enjoy long strong and shiny hair.

    6. citrus fruits
Iron is one of the basic elements for hair grow. But simply do you eat sufficient quantities of iron during the day? Is the body can absorb well? Vitamin C is essential for the growth of hair, it speed up body's absorption of iron. Therefore it is a basic foods through the daily diet.

    7. Soybeans
Basic foods for hair growth and one of the richest protein sources for vegetarians, the alternative is eating soy as a source of vegetable protein. Where soybeans contain 40% protein, and is a perfect source for health fat too for hair growth.

    8. Red meat
Red meat rich source of iron, zinc, vitamin B, which are all essential vitamins to hair health .

    9. shrimp
If you can't eat red meat because of high cholesterol in the blood. You should find another source of protein. Shrimp contains a large proportion of protein, vitamin B12, iron and zinc. All of that are essential vitamins to prevent hair loss and breaking.

    10. water

It may be water is not food but an essential and necessary for a healthy body. Keeping humidify necessary for the body it helps to improve hair growth. It can also achieved by eating natural juices to keep moisturizing body.

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